09 November 2009

Holiday Season has begun!

Well! We are now in the beginning of November and I am FINALLY having time to send out an update. October flew by in a flash with my school and Brady's classes.

Just a few notes:
  • 2nd six weeks I am only failing 2 students...I like to give credit to the fact that I worked my BUTT off and called/emailed parents 74 times this six weeks (which was really only 5). It may be a pain in the butt to sit there and do ALL that work but I could not believe how supportive most of the parents were.
  • It looks like Brady might get all A's! He has one class that is making him work VERY hard for it but hopefully in the end it will pay off. (By the way I am SOOO PROUD OF HIM!
  • We went to the State Fair with my family in Dallas. I love this family ritual because I love the junk food at the fair and I really love sitting in the cars and dreaming of when I can get rid of my old klunker! The hard thing was that we went to the fair on OU/Texas game day so it was REALLY BUSY and we went to Mary Poppins (excluding Brady and Will because I would NEVER hear the end of it if I dragged them in).
Finally, The Holiday Season began with the Halloween Festivities! We started off with going to a halloween party with our Grace Commuinty Chruch Couples and carved our pumpkin. It was too cold for me to wear my regular costume so we were HARDCORE HUSKERS FANS!
We also decided that I am allergic to real pumpkins because when we were carving the pumpkin (which was pretty gross in general) my arm decided to break out and start itching all over. But that didn't stop us!

Then, for ACTUAL halloween, Brady and I went to Lynsie O'Steen's Halloween Party in Dallas.
We had SO much fun and I got to wear the costume that I hand sewed! Brady and I hung out with Jessica and Lynsie most of the night and it was a BLAST!

Now, I am so excited that we are in November because it is getting closer to Thanksgiving and closer to CHRISTMAS!!! (MY FAVORITE!)
We miss everyone that's back in Tyler and we hope to be able to visit again soon!

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