My husband has always felt that our freedom in the United States of America isn't necessarily free. More specifically that every man that serves for this country is paying a price and giving to our Great Land. Since I have known him he has shared with me his passion and excitement for the possibility to serve our country. At first I really was opposed; I hated the thought of being a wife without her husband, thinking about him leaving for an obscene amount of time. However, as I have spent more time with him and learned more about the different options I have become more comfortable with the idea.
All this is to say that Brady has applied to an Air Force program called TDSP. In September, a recruiter with the Air Force came to the Engineering Program at UT Tyler about this program and how they need officers in the Air Force that are interested in Developemental Engineering and other technical areas. Of course Brady was extremely interested and he could only think of one thing in his mind.
So the specifics are that he would apply for the program by taking a physical test and a aptitude test, then put an application and letters of references to a Lieutenant Colonel that is in HR for the Dallas area. Then if he passes all of those areas, he will be put infront of a TDSP board to decided whether he would be of beneift to the Air Force for his specific area. If he is accepted then we would get a housing allowance and E3 pay while Brady finishes school, then as soon as he gets his degree he would go to Alabama, to the OTS for Basic Officer Training for 3 months. If he graduates from that he would get orders for 4 years and there are a number of locations that we could be stationed at.
Actually, looking more into the program I am getting really excited too! I even started looking more specifically into the areas that we might be stationed. We could be in Colorado, San Antonio, Florida, Massachusetts, or Ohio (at least those are the possibilities that I would like). I have been watching alot of HGTV so I've been looking at what type of homes we would like to have as our first home. Even what style of decorating that I like.
As of December, Brady has completed and passed all areas except for his application going to the TDSP board. The meeting was scheduled in January, then moved to March, and now the Board is meeting in May and we wont know until JUNE! I feel like this time waiting has inched along like a catapillar trying to cross a side walk. I see the future possibilites that are ahead but I feel like I am getting too excited and need to be content since we are for sure going to be here until next May.
So now, you are all up-to-date on what is going on in our life. Please pray for us as we venture into this area of possibilities and pray that God would reveal his plan for our lives.
Thanks and I leave you with this...
"A young man who does not have what it takes to perform military service is not likely to have what it takes to make a living." - John F. Kennedy